The contest has begun. All essays are due no later than Dec. 2, 2024.

What is the contest?

The Columbus Serra Club is asking each and every Catholic eighth-grade boy in the Columbus diocese to think carefully about becoming a priest. We are challenging eighth-grade boys to write an essay of five hundred words or less answering a question about whether God might be calling them to the priesthood.  Writers of the ten best essays will be awarded a $1,000 tuition assistance grant to a diocesan Catholic high school.

What are the topics for the essays?

Write an essay on one of the following three topics in five hundred words or less.

1.       I think that God might be calling me to be a priest because…

2.       I do not think that God is calling me to be a priest because  . . .

3.       A priest who has played an important role in my life is _______ because he… God might be calling me to follow him into the priesthood because ..  .

May assistance be sought in writing the essay?

This is not a take-home test. Feel free to discuss your thoughts with your family, friends, and pastor. The evaluators are interested in your thoughts and your own words about yourself in relation to the priesthood and God. They are not interested in reading generalities about the priesthood such as an AI app produces. Most importantly consult the highest intelligence. Pray that the Holy Spirit guides you in probing your heart and mind to hear His call.

When are the essays to be written?

Students have October and November to write their essays. Essays are due Monday December 2, 2024

How are the essays to be submitted?

  1. If you submit your essay by yourself, Submit it as an email attachment in Word to Include contact information about your name, parish, email address, text message phone # and postal address.
  2. Teachers may submit their students’ essays in a bulk emailing. But for each student include contact information about the student’s name, parish, email address, text message phone # and postal address.

When will the results be announced?

Decisions will be sent to entrants in early February 2025.

What happens to the essays after they are submitted?

Submitted essays are the property of the Columbus Serra Club. The Club will try to publish some essays or, excerpts from essays, in the Catholic Times or other promotional literature for the competition.

For further information, Email: or text 614-558-0806.


End of Information & Instruction page for Columbus Serra Club’s Priestly Vocation Essay competition.

Charles F. Kielkopf, Professor of Philosophy (emeritus) The Ohio State University donates this page on his Blog Site to the Serra Club of Columbus.