Girls Vocation Luncheon Brings Hope to All!

Culture of Vocations
What a beautiful day for the Serrans of North Columbus! Over 240 young women from the Columbus Diocese came to The Josephinum – The Jessing Center for a Vocational Luncheon and were inspired by Sr. Elfie del Rosario, FMA, national Vocation Director for Salesian Sisters – Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Sr. Elfie challenged the young ladies to listen for the voice of God and to see where He is calling them. She reminded them that the only way they will recognize His voice is first to get to know Him. She recognized that the world they live in is noisy and distracting so she challenged them with the following: 1. Download and utilize the New American Bible app and read God’s Word. 2. Recieve the Sacraments frequently 3. Surround yourself with friends that are faith-filled and stay with those people. 4. Daily Prayer (talk and listen to God) 5. Know that God will talk to you in your experiences-even in through the crosses you carry. He will use your experiences as His witness to you and others. 6. When you give of yourself (not just for service hours) the more God can work through you and you can discover the gifts that He has given to you to share!
The young ladies were also blessed by the presence of 8 other Religious Orders! Stay tuned for future posts sharing more pictures of all the Sisters that attended.
Thank you The Catholic Foundation and Knights of Columbus Council 11445 St. Michael of Worthington, Ohio for your generous support of the vocation luncheons! The fruits of the luncheon are eternal!

Help Protect the Dignity of Life in Ohio


Serra Logo
Life in its earliest and most vulnerable stages is threatened by groups proposing an amendment to the Ohio Constitution for the November 2023 ballot to expand and enshrine abortion at the expense of protections for preborn children and women.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church proclaims that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.” The Church accompanies and supports women facing unexpected pregnancies and mothers through programs like Walking with Moms in Need and the services of Catholic Charities.

The bishops of Ohio strongly encourage Catholics statewide to unite in prayer and work to defeat this proposed amendment and its grave consequences for women and preborn children in Ohio.

For more information, go to the Catholic Conference of Ohio site:

To get involved, talk to your pastor or email

Prayer to Defeat Ohio’s Abortion Amendment

Ever-living God, you give life and desire a future for all your children. Take hold of our nation, state, and community and awaken in every heart awe for the gift of life. Send your Spirit to strengthen us with wisdom and fortitude as we defend mothers and children in Ohio from laws that disregard their health and safety.


Mary and Joseph trusted in you and welcomed Jesus into our broken world. Father, we ask their intercession to protect the preborn and their mothers, and to guide all parents in raising their children. May they help us build a civilization of love by upholding the sacredness of life, preserving parental rights, and accompanying pregnant women in need.


We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Our Lady, Mother of the Family, pray for us!

St. Joseph, Protector of the Unborn, pray for us!

54 Day Rosary Novena Begins September 15, 2023. Pray a rosary a day with this intention through election day, November 7th, for the defeat of Issue 1.

Induction of New Officers and New Members

The Serra Club of Columbus held its annual induction of officers and new members on June 28. Bishop Earl Fernandes and Fr Bill Hahn concelebrated the Mass in the Mother of Mercy Chapel on the campus of St Charles Preparatory School. Many members and spouses were there to celebrate the occasion. Mass was followed by dinner in Walter Commons.



Congratulations to Fr. Jeff Rimelspach and Ginger West

We want to express our joy for the wonderful night we had celebrating our very own Serrans who were the recipients of two special awards; the Good Shepherd Award, Fr. Jeff Rimelspach, and the Pope Leo XIII Award, Ginger West. It was truly a special evening, graced by the presence of Bishop Earl Fernandes from the Columbus Catholic Diocese at the prestigious The Pontifical College Josephinum. The night was filled with warmth and beauty, as we honored our dedicated Chaplain, Fr. Jeff, and a lifelong Member, Ginger, for their contributions to our community. Congratulations to Fr. Jeff Rimelspach and Ginger West on their well-deserved recognition!

Fr Jeff Good Shepard