On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, the annual Serra Club of North Columbus Vocation Luncheon for Boys took place at the Jessing Center on the Josephinum Campus. The luncheon was supported by a grant from the Catholic Foundation.
Fr. Ed Shikina, parochial vicar for St. Brendan the Navigator parish, was the keynote speaker. He earned his bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the Pontifical College Josephinum and credited Fr. Paul Noble, Director of Vocations for the diocese of Columbus, for encouraging him in his vocation. He showed the video, Fishers of Men, by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). This film inspired Fr. Shikina to compare vocations to the priesthood to the call to become superheroes—to be someone remarkable and do something remarkable.
Fr. Jeff Rimelspach, Chaplain for the Serra Club of North Columbus, provided the opening and closing prayers for vocations.
Students from St. Brendan the Navigator, St. Brigid of Kildare, St. Pius X, Immaculate Conception, Bishop Ready, and St. Francis de Sales attended the event. They toured the grounds and buildings of the Pontifical College Josephinum after the luncheon.