Serran, Vietnam Vet recently visits the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes!

Serra Club member Patrick Kent, a Viet Nam veteran, recently returned from the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. “It was the healing opportunity of my life,” he shared with the club at its August 2nd meeting. The pilgrimage was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, who took care of all the travel, hotel, meals, and personal arrangements; and the Military Archdiocese of the US, who took care of all the spiritual aspects. The program, Warriors to Lourdes, is available to US combat veterans for their physical and spiritual healing. Religious affiliation is not a consideration, although a large proportion of those participating were Roman Catholic. “All of us are wounded,” Patrick explained,”War has a lasting impact on all of us. The combination of the peace of the location, and the companionship of other combat veterans enabled much beneficial sharing, and growth in our relationships with our Lord and with each other. Our Lady intended healing for us, and we were keenly aware of her presence.” Any combat veteran can connect with Warriors to Lourdes through the Knights of Columbus.
God Bless all who have and will serve our great Country!