Fr. Seth Keller: Lessons in Priesthood

Fr. Se
Lessons in Priesthood
It was a true honor to have Fr. Seth Keller speak to the Serra Club of North Columbus about lessons he has learned in the 2 year of priesthood. Below are a few of those lessons:
  • On own own we are helpless. We must depend on God’s Grace
  • The Faith of children gives him hope! (he had the privilege to work with the students at St. Cecilia and Bishop Ready High School
  • There are 3 types of people in this world: Practicing Catholics. Fallen away Catholics and potential Catholics.
  • Through our witness and prayer the Holy Spirit will help us convert others.
  • He has learned The Holy Spirit is always at work! Nothing in society and in our world, even as broken as it appears can stop The Holy Spirit’s work.
Let us pray for Father Seth as he is being reassigned in a couple of weeks and for all of our holy priest. Fr. Seth, you give us HOPE